How to Get Rid of Nausea

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Consulting a Medical Professional

When seeing a doctor for nausea, the patient must be ready to give the information necessary to make an accurate diagnosis and to give the appropriate treatment on how to get rid of nausea. The doctor must know the complete medical history and the recent relevant activities of the patient. Sometimes, the doctor may also ask about the amount of food intake and the current activities of the person who is experiencing nausea. This is especially true for women who are sexually active. The doctor must know the last date of the menstrual period and, if necessary, the type of birth control used.

Medical tests may also be ordered aside from the routine blood pressure taking and abdominal examination. Sometimes, neurological examination or other tests may vary depending on the medical history and the symptoms experienced by the patient. Pregnancy tests are conducted for women who are suspected to be pregnant. For those who recently suffered from accidental injuries such as a head injury, a brain imaging test or computed tomography (CT) scan may be required. (Also read: How To Get Rid Of Nausea While Pregnant)

The Usual Suspects

Available medical sources cite a number of suspected causes of nausea. In order to know how to get rid of nausea, it is important to first determine the presence of one or several of these health problems:

  1. Abdominal and pelvic organs problems. The following gastrointestinal problems commonly trigger nausea: anorexia, bulimia nervosa, excessive eating, and other eating disorders; food poisoning; stomach flu or infection; peptic ulcer or ulcerative colitis; appendicitis; gastroparesis or slow stomach emptying (usually seen on people with diabetes); Crohn’s disease; irritable bowel syndrome; GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disorder); gastroenteritis or food poisoning; pancreatitis; norovirus; kidney failure and kidney disorders (also read: Home Remedies For Cleansing Kidneys); hepatitis; a blocked or stretched intestine or stomach; irritation of the stomach, intestinal lining, appendix, and pelvic organs; constipation; and normal menstruation.
  2. Inner ear problems —vertigo (also read: How To Get Rid Of Vertigo Naturally) (sensitivity to position change or benign positional vertigo); motion sickness; viral infections of the inner ear or labyrinthitis; and certain brain or nerve tumors.
  3. Side effects of some body chemical changes such as low blood sugar or caffeine
  4. Alcohol use or intoxication and alcohol withdrawal, including a hangover
  5. Anesthesia — from recovering surgery
  6. Anxiety or depression, intense pain, emotional stress such as fear, chronic fatigue syndrome
  7. Cancer and chemotherapy
  8. Migraine
  9. Reaction to smells or odors. (Also read: House Smells Like Sulfur: How To Get Rid Of It)
  10. Heart attacks or acute myocardial infarction
  11. Concussion or brain injury, brain tumor, hydrocephalus or “water on the brain,” head injuries, raised pressure within the skull, meningitis or inflammation, and infection of the membranes covering the brain
  12. Addison’s disease (progressive anemia)
  13. Viral infections including chicken pox, influenza, or pneumonia
  14. Electrolyte imbalance, mainly a rise in blood levels of potassium
  15. Stress and sleep deprivation
  16. Withdrawal syndrom
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