…dysplasia, an immaturity of the lungs in early infants, or issues of vessels like coarctation of the aorta, a constricting of part of the significant blood vessel that carries blood

…What’s Considered Low Blood Pressure? High or low is a matter of perspective. In medical world, we always have standard to measure whether something high or low. Low blood

…of the blood vessels is extremely low. It is considered to be a low blood pressure when a person gets a blood pressure reading lower than 90 systolic or 60…

…make blood pressure go down quickly continues with consuming dark chocolate. Compared to conventional chocolate, dark chocolate has more flavanols. Flavanols have unique ability to make your blood vessels more…

vessels which used to flow in slow pace. That being said, your blood flow will run through the vessels in much faster pace which then leads to faster circulation of…

…What Unit is Blood Pressure Measured in? Your blood pressure fluctuates constantly, adapting to your heart’s demands depending upon exactly what you are doing. It’s an essential part of…

…What’s a Normal Blood Pressure Reading? A blood pressure is bad news. Yes, this condition is related to various serious illnesses like kidney disease, strokes and heart attacks. Therefore,…

…Children’s Blood Pressure Range Ensuring and learning children’s blood pressure range is a very important matter. Your doctor may recommend getting annual check-up for your children to know the…

…What Is My Blood Pressure Supposed To Be When it comes to good quality of health, blood pressure is definitely a part of it. But what is my blood

…great jumpers. Fleas suck the blood off animals and even if they are small, the problem they create, if they are not immediately dealt with, can be real big. Fleas…

…of blood vessels, making them more flexible, essential for healthy blood pressure. Soak raisins in water in a single day. Chew each raisin little by little before swallowing it. Eat…

…walls of blood vessels. Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) is the proportion of the blood pressure value at the ankle to that at the arm. It has been proven to be…

…Things You Should Know About Malignant Hypertension Red blood cells are harmed as they stream through vessels blocked by fibrin deposition, resulting in microangiopathic haemolytic anemia. Another pathologic procedure…